The Graded Active Movement Exam, or G.A.M.E., is an industry-changing human movement diagnostic tool. It is used to EVALUATE, ASSESS, and QUANTIFY the primary movement sequence so the results can be compared and analyzed.
Everyone has a neurological sequence of movement. Whether you are an elite athlete or the average person, that movement sequence is the same for everyone.
Disruptions in that primary movement sequence cause injuries and lack of physical performance.
Movement is math. Like math, human movement has a precise sequence of events that need to be in an exact order to produce healthy movements. This is usually called your kinematic sequence.
If your sequence of movement is off, a lack of performance and possible injury will occur.
GAME is so simple in its application, but it has the power to PREDICT future areas of injury or performance loss. This exam is perfect for sports medicine evaluations and sports physical to keep kids safer from injury.
If you are injured, have nagging pain, or are losing physical performance, there is something wrong with your movement (kinematic sequence). If that is not corrected, you will never fully be healthy or perform at your best.
Everyone who relies on human movement to play a sport, perform their job, or be active NEEDS to have perfect sequential motion. That is the first building block of your health!
"All injuries, to a greater or lesser extent, have some issues with the body's sequence of movement."
-Dr. Kevin J McGovern, PT, CSCS
The GAME evaluation and corrective exercise system was invented by Dr. Kevin J McGovern, PT because he wanted a better way to measure the FUNCTION of his patient. All of the current tests and measures of physical therapy are diagnosis based. Simply, insurance companies wanted a diagnosis number. Dr. McGovern wanted a better way to evaluate and treat patients.
His goal for all patients was very simple: Make everyone MOVE BETTER WITH LESS PAIN!
There was not a test on the market that really measure functional movement for all levels: the athlete, the young, the old, and the couch potato.
So out of frustration and desperation, GAME was invented. GAME has been the cornerstone of D. McGovern's physical therapy and sports medicine practice for over 20 years.
"If you correct someone's movement, their performance will increase and their chance of injury will decrease."
-Dr. Kevin J McGovern, PT, CSCS
Graded Active Movement Exam, when performed by a Clinically Certified Evaluator, includes all of the standard measures of a Sports Physical: medical history, height & weight, eye & ear test, vital signs, abdomen/hernia, and concussion screen.
GAME adds expert evaluation for the following: Gait, Balance, Range of Motion, Strength, and Posture. The movement of GAME is functional for sport and everyday life.
The GAME SCORE, along with the report of findings, will predict a probability of injury, which is VITAL in sports physical.
Would a Metric That Predicts Your Health be Valuable?
How about a one-of-a-kind, historical, and quantified report of your ability to stay healthy and predict your probability of staying on the field for the entire length of your scholarship?
Pro Scouting:
How valuable do you think this report would be for professional sports organizations? A report that would clearly demonstrate all of the work you put in to improve your functional movement. With all of the catastrophic injuries in sports, you would have a report that clearly shows that you are a better investment than someone who did not do the GAME system.
485 Great Road, Acton, Massachusetts 01720, United States
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